Daily Virgo Horoscope December 20 (20/12)


Aug 23 − Sep 22

Alias: Alias: The Virgin

December 20


daily virgo horoscope:

summary virgo daily

Star 9/10

The Moon in your sign links with both Mercury and Pluto. The former is about to embark upon its final retrograde motion of this year but implications surrounding a creative use of words is strong. If you sense a need exists to clear the air, get something off your chest or reveal feelings or emotions that have been suppressed until now, then the time to do all of the above is perfect. The deeper Mercury goes into its slumber, the more room there is for misinterpretation so act quickly.


summary virgo tomorrow

Star 9/10

You likely have strong reasons for believing an area of your world is best left as it is without having to consider what might happen should it change. Its also possible youre seeing the introduction of change as too much, too soon and want to allow a bit more time to play out before making a move in some way. If you feel youre being pushed a particular direction, then that might not necessarily be something to resist. It could bring precisely what you need.


summary virgo weekly

Star 7/10

If you need proof of how loved, admired and respected you are, then proof is coming. Its unlikely to arrive or present itself in a way youre likely to miss or overlook, either. As your ruler links with Venus this week, at least one new and potentially tender or heartwarming exchange is likely. Someone has something they need to tell you from the depths of their heart. You might feel inclined to do the same in return!


summary virgo monthly

Star 9/10

This month, its not what you know but who you know that counts and whilst focus is likely to be on work and career matters, recognition, praise and promotion could result with a little help from more than one person keen to see you progress professionally. Collaborative efforts are superbly starred within the workplace but once Mercury commences its final backward motion this year, you could find yourself reminiscing on past loves and possibly reconnecting with one!


health virgo daily

Star 9/10

Water is the order of the day. Given the present celestial atmosphere, you may be prone to urinary tract infections, or something related, if you havent been drinking enough water. It is vital that your kidneys, the organs that cleanse your system, get plenty of this purifying substance flushing through them at this time. All the discipline you ought to have around your renal health is important to consider.


health virgo tomorrow

Star 7/10

You could be very stressed out today. Do you sometimes feel like everyones therapist? Do others come to you and dump their sorrows and concerns, but youre too good a friend to reject them in their hour of need? If this is the case, you need to become unavailable in a hurry! Make an appointment to get your hair done, or schedule a massage. These may not be luxuries, but rather necessities, given the kind of week youve been having. Its OK to give yourself a boost every now and then!


health virgo weekly

Star 7/10

You could be taking two steps forward and one step back regarding your current health situation. You probably feel youre able to do more than is realistic. If you push yourself to the extreme, you may give up altogether. Its better to go slowly and steadily than overreach and quit. Build up a regimen gradually for the best results.


health virgo monthly

Star 10/10

Venus glides into your wellness zone on December 7, so the cosmos encourages you to join your buddies and enjoy exploring the wellness scene. If theres a new yoga center or Pilates class that caters to your needs, it might be the perfect way to unwind during this busy time. You might also find yourself swapping recipes for smoothies and other healthy fare, especially if it has a holiday bias. Go easy from December 19, as you could be more open to others energies and bugs. Look for a healthy supplement to ward off colds or flu!


love virgo daily

Star 8/10

If you have been looking for that special relationship, you may be surprised to find it at work. The person concerned will certainly not be "normal," but pleasantly eccentric and just a touch unconventional. However, it will do your heart good to break away from some of your everyday routines and discover new things that you really enjoy doing.


love virgo tomorrow

Star 8/10

The planetary energy today may make you despair of ever getting it right between you and your sugar honey. Just when you thought you had it all sewn up, along comes another reason to fall out, feel disillusioned, or generally wish that partnerships, as such, had never been invented. This phase wont last too long. Just hang in there until it has passed.


love virgo weekly

Star 7/10

Is your Type A personality getting in the way of your dating? You have a very rigid outlook on life at the start of the week and youre very quick to judge. Lighten up a little bit. Dating is supposed to be fun! Your quick tongue and sarcastic wit can give a first date the wrong impression over the weekend, so try to tone it down a bit around people youve just met. Luckily, second chances are plentiful.


love virgo monthly

Star 7/10

Mercury enters Capricorn on December 2, putting a practical spin on all correspondence. You may not have the most creative pickup lines, but theyre effective. Mercury turns retrograde on December 19, signaling a good time to step back and reevaluate communication methods that are no longer working for you. Delete a worthless dating app or rely less on texting than usual. Theres a lot to be said for face-to-face romantic interactions. A Capricorn New Moon on December 26 indicates a successful monthly cycle of completion. Revel in your romantic accomplishments and think positive thoughts about whats yet to come.


career virgo daily

Star 8/10

A new cycle begins in your workplace today that is likely to bring you a great deal of luck with regard to your career. This is a wonderful time to plan for a raise or promotion of some sort. You deserve it and you will most certainly get it.


career virgo tomorrow

Star 9/10

Other people are not speaking your language today. This makes it difficult for you to get anything accomplished in the workplace. Do your best to concentrate on your own tasks without letting others confuse you with their opinions.


career virgo weekly

Star 10/10

Youll be most effective if you go with the flow of events. You may be challenged by conflicting or confusing events. Dont let someone who is particularly critical discourage you. Trust that dreams can come true. The cosmos brings you to a kind of crossroads. Its important to make choices that support the long-term interests of you and those you love. Dont beat yourself up if you arent perfect.


career virgo monthly

Star 9/10

The second week of December could mark a tremendous career breakthrough. You may be awarded a lucrative job with plenty of perks. Take advantage of any pension plan, tuition reimbursement, or employee discount. Youll be able to take a well-deserved vacation on or around December 26. Taking a break from your duties will help you return to work refreshed and revived. Youll be able to start the New Year with an optimistic attitude. While everyone else is complaining about their workloads, youll be devising new strategies for success. Head for a sophisticated city where you can shop, dine, and sightsee in style.



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